“Don’t think out of the box. Do not even enter it”

Prof. Dr. Daniel Kraus

Attorney at Law
LL.M (King’s College London)

Languages: French, English, Deutsch

Daniel Kraus could have been an architect or a diplomat, but he became a lawyer and a law professor. And no wonder. In intellectual property law, he has found the perfect balance between creativity and rigour. After studying law in Geneva, Daniel Kraus broadened his knowledge of European law and competition law in London (LL.M., King’s College). After passing his bar exam in Geneva, he assisted Professor Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann at the University of Geneva in European law and international economic law, during which time he also wrote his doctoral thesis on parallel imports of patented products, for which he was awarded theWalther Hug prize for the best doctoral thesis in law.

After working for a number of years in a law firm specialising in industrial property, he moved to Berne and worked for nine years at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, first as deputy head of international affairs, then as head of technical cooperation. Fascinated by research and teaching, he joined the University of Neuchâtel in 2004 and was appointed Professor of Innovation Law in 2010. He was instrumental in setting up the Interfaculty Master’s in Innovation and Innocube Executive Training, a training platform in intellectual property and innovation law for businesses.

Daniel also teaches at the HEG-Arc and at various universities (Fribourg, EPFL).
Daniel has always worked in parallel as a lawyer specialising in intellectual property.

In 2012, he was elected deputy judge of the Federal Patent Court.

In his spare time, Daniel enjoys playing, composing and listening to music, spending time with his family, cross-country skiing, cycling and sailing. We won’t mention tennis, a sport in which Daniel has lost all hope of progressing.

Finally, Daniel likes to give free rein to his creativity in a social entrepreneurship project that is particularly close to his heart.

Books :

– With Nathalie Tissot and Vincent Salvadé: Propriété intellectuelle – Marques, brevets, droit d’auteur, ed. Stämpfli 2019.

– With Blaise Carron, Mélanie Krüsi and Yann Férolles: Le droit d’auteur des planificateurs – Un guide sur le droit d’auteur et autres droits de propriété intellectuelle à l’attention des architectes, des ingénieurs et des spécialistes du droit de la construction, ed. Schulthess. 2015.

Translated into German under the title: Urheberrecht der Planer – Ein Leitfaden für Architekten, Ingenieure und Baurechtsspezialisten zum Urheberrecht und zu weiteren Immaterialgüterrechten.

Book publishing :

– In progress, with Gilles Aebischer: Commentaire romand de la Loi sur les produits thérapeutiques, Helbing Lichtenhahn (publication planned for 2024).

– With Thierry Obrist and Olivier Hari (eds.) : Blockchains, Smart Contracts, Decentralised Autonomous Organisations and the law, Edward Elgar Publishing 2019.

Contributions to books :

– Sustainability and intellectual property: buy my trademark law, the greenest and most sustainable law! in: Sustainable production and consumption in a circular economy – legal challenges and solutions, ed. Helbing Lichtenhahn 2023, pp. 205-224.

– With Christophe Schaub: Blockchain et Propriété intellectuelle, in: Propriété intellectuelle à l’ère du Big Data et de la Blockchain, ed. Schulthess 2020, pp. 133-155.

– With Charlotte Boulay: Blockchains: Aspects of Intellectual Property Law, in: Blockchains, Smart Contracts, Decentralised Autonomous Organisations and the Law. 2019, pp. 240 – 271.

Articles :

– With Christine Joller and Bruno Pasquier: NFTs et droits d’auteur, in: sui generis, May 2023, pp. 55-65, available at: https://sui-generis.ch/article/view/sg.228/3051.

– With Daniel Burkard: Die Verwechslungsgefahr im Firmenrecht, in: Sic! 2020, pp. 457-474.

– With Yaniv Benhamou and Frédéric Erard: L’avocat a-t-il aussi le droit d’être dans les nuages? in: Revue de l’avocat, 2019, pp. 119-126.

Full list available at https://libra.unine.ch/search?query=Daniel%20E.%20Kraus&spc.page=1&spc.sf=dc.date.issued&spc.sd=DESC