On Wednesday 1st November 2017 P&TS took part in an event at our neighbours, the Neuchâtel Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CNCI), for the presentation of the restart of Genilem Neuchâtel. Genilem offers mentoring, events and sets up contacts to encourage entrepreneurship in the Jura Arc region. Genilem aims to become a point of entry for business creation, by collaborating with other support organisms. We were happy to see such an encouraging level of participation and of enthusiasm at this event and were delighted to have seen the presentation of ialoo, a Genilem supported company.
Switzerland has an incredibly rich and diverse pool of support organisms for entrepreneurship, with a plethora of players (apart from Genilem: Platinn, CTI Startup, Neode, etc.) that offer coaching, training, subsidies, advice and events. This multitude of efforts is encouraging and essential to help start-ups just when they are at their most fragile and where many strategic decisions need to be taken quickly. However, this diversity also makes what’s on offer difficult to understand and sometimes it is hard to know which is the best door to knock on to obtain the right support in a short time frame. Genilem will facilitate the process for you. Genilem knows these networks really well and advises many entrepreneurs on a regular basis on the procedures to help increase their chances of success with their projects.