We have created our first capsule video, presented by Maria... read more → +
The Association of Italian researchers in Switzerland (AIRIcerca - Switzerland)... read more → +
During the ICC'2022 (International Create Challenge) at l’IDIAP in Martigny,... read more → +
P&TS is pleased to give the course (in french) "Patents... read more → +
Giovanni Gervasio, Ronan Guirey, Maria Maina and Christophe Saam have... read more → +
Are you attending the Swiss Startup DAYs 2020 on October... read more → +
De nombreuses compétences sont nécessaires pour valoriser la propriété intellectuelle... read more → +
We are delighted to have contributed to the thematic seminar... read more → +
Italy constitutes the fourth largest market in Europe. The Italian patent... read more → +
A celebration of the first official action carried out by P&TS... read more → +