Since 2010, P&TS has been supporting innovation projects in the field of renewable energy, greentech and ethical innovation. Each year, the equivalent of CHF 20,000 worth of intellectual property advice is offered free of charge by P&TS’ patent and trademark attorneys to support innovations that contribute into making our environment greener, cleaner and better.
One of the latest projects involves the clay-coloured photovoltaic roof tiles developed by the company Freesuns in Colombier. You know the problem: the roofs of our houses offer a huge but under-exploited surface for the use of solar energy. The use of traditional photovoltaic panels is not very suitable for old buildings and is often incompatible with town planning regulations.
In order to solve this problem, Freesuns has succeeded in manufacturing a photovoltaic tile that imitates traditional tiles, while guaranteeing high yields. The investment required for this development was secured through an intellectual property strategy developed and financially supported by P&TS. The results are stunning and pave the way for photovoltaic energy production on protected and heritage buildings.
Video credit: Marcus Rothenbuehler –