Greentech & Ethical Innovation
Protecting the environment by protecting innovation.
Protecting the environment by protecting innovation.
The greentech sector covers a highly diversified mix of technologies and companies. Fierce marketing and technology battles are a regular occurrence, particularly in areas such as solar panels and alternative fuel vehicles. The winners – those who set the industry standards – are often the ones that made the effort to protect their technology.
These small gestures find fuller expression in our patent-consulting work. We are convinced that, if properly applied, technology can help solve a number of environmental and societal problems. We are therefore particularly attuned to companies that come up with innovative technical solutions in these areas. We also have broad experience in solar energy.
In 2008, we started awarding grants to socially responsible Swiss companies with fewer than 200 employees. We aim to support businesses that need help protecting inventions in areas such as renewable energies, global warming, environmental protection, health (especially in developing countries), human rights and the promotion of peace.
The rules governing our grants can be downloaded here